Raise Your Vibrational Energy (Part 2): Subliminal Messages + Spoken Affirmations

This subliminal meditation video is an addition to the Part 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhXrzpf5gVA). In these 2 videos we use visualization of the buddhist bodhisattva Guanyin.

This video is intended to help you raise your positive vibrational energy. Let go of your negative subconscious patterns, like self-doubt, low self-esteem, self-sabotage, negative energy, anxiety and attract more and more positive energy every day by raising your vibrational energy. This particular session contains:

1. Visual subliminal messages (see the list below).
2. Audio subliminal messages embedded into the sound track (see the list below)
3. Binaural beats embedded into the sound track (theta & gamma frequencies).
4. Spoken affirmations

For even better results, combine this meditation with visual subliminal messages on your PC screen. Just use our famous Subliminal Flash software & retrain your subconscious mind for total success. It silently dislays subliminal messages of your choice on your computer screen while you surf the web, work, play games, etc.

There is also an Android version of Subliminal Flash.


For best results use it on a regular basis. You will notice changes in 30-60 days.

As with other our sessions, you can use this subliminal meditation in two ways:

1. Watch the video and listen to the sound.

2. If you have no time to watch the video – then just listen to the sound while performing your routine tasks. It will still be effective.

►► You can listen to this session while you’re working, reading news, playing games, surfing the web, meditating and even sleeping. Sleep hypnosis is an extremely powerful technique. Just create a playlist with your favorite subliminal sessions and listen to it while you sleep (at a comfortable volume).
It is also perfect for meditation.

☛ We have included 2 types of subliminal messages into this session: audio subliminal affirmations and visual ones.

☛ List Of Subliminal Affirmations Used In This Session (there are over 800 subliminal messages in this session, so we don’t list all of them here):
I remove mental blockages,
I feel fabulous each and every day,
A divine energy fills me with warmth and love,
I feel uplifting emotions every day,
I attract positive energy,
I attract success in all areas of my life,
I am a being of light,
I activate my higher consciousness,
I increase my vibrational energy,
I become confident,
My level of energy is increasing and expanding at all times,
I choose my right path in my life,
I raise positive vibrations,
It is easy for me to connect with my higher self,
I always succeed,
I cleanse self-doubt,
I attract positive vibrations,
I release subconscious blockages,
Senses of peace, ease and satisfaction escort me during day and night,
I unlock my true potential,
I clear subconscious negativity,
I cleanse feeling of self-doubt,
I release fear

Link to the previous session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhXrzpf5gVA

#subliminalmessages #binauralbeats #positiveenergy

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